Privacy Policy & Terms of

This Privacy Policy statement sets forth the policies and practices with respect to information or data that is received or gathered regarding Members, visitors and Users of Find-Your-Slut, a site operated by Ulria Limited, Souliou 004V, Stovolos 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus, and related services (hereafter the 'Site'). CAREFULLY READ THIS PRIVACY POLICY STATEMENT BECAUSE BY YOUR USE OF THIS SITE AND ITS SERVICES YOU WILL BE EXPRESSLY SIGNIFYING THAT YOU AGREE TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY STATEMENT AND THAT YOU ASSENT TO THE USE OF ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION THAT YOU SUPPLY OR THAT IS COLLECTED ABOUT YOU AS DETAILED IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY STATEMENT.

Data Controller and Owner,



If you visit this Site or communicate with us via email, we will collect and store in our database electronic information obtained from you or your browser or other software making a connection with the Site and via cookie files including, for example: your IP address and domain name; the date and time you access our site; your clickstream, and the Internet address of the Website from which you were referred to the Site. We use this information to measure the number of visitors to the different sections of our Site, to help us make our site more useful to visitors, for security and to help enforce our policies and agreements, and to measure the amount of traffic generated through our affiliate network with whom this information may be shared.

Personally-identifying information we collect and store about you is the information you, voluntarily choose to provide to us, such as your Username, e-mail address, address, zip code, IP address, email header information, etc. In addition, we may ask you to voluntarily provide us with personal information when you become a Member for billing, communication, security, legal, and shipping purposes.


Find-Your-Slut uses cookies to store and sometimes track information to make your online experience easier and more personalized. Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored by a user's Web browser on the user's hard drive. Cookies can remember what information a user accesses on one Web page to simplify subsequent interactions with that Web site by the same user or to use the information to streamline the user's transactions on related Web pages. This makes it easier for a user to move from Web page to Web page and to complete commercial transactions over the Internet. Most major Web browsers are set up so that they will initially accept cookies, but you may modify your computers preferences to issue you an alert when a cookie is downloaded, or to disable the ability of third parties to download a cookie to you. If you choose to reject all cookies, there are areas of this Site and other websites that may not function properly.


By the use of the Site or its services, the Member, visitor or User expressly agrees that the Site may use any information that it gathers or collects about the Member, visitor or User including personal information that has been provided by the Member, visitor or User via the Site's Love Stars ("LS") program, Customer Service, or other mechanisms, for technical, administration, research and development, customer administration, age verification, legal compliance, marketing, promotional and advertising use and for the transmission of email communications, the sending of products or the fulfilling of any terms and conditions; and furthermore that the Site may disclose or provide such personal information to its parent companies, affiliated and related companies, affiliates, agents and service providers that provide goods and services, for purposes of providing or promoting such goods and services.

The Site is not responsible or liable for the use of any information that a Member, visitor or User may provide, or that is gathered by third-party websites that have banner ads, forms, or links on the Site. This Site does not control, monitor or endorse the information gathering practices or Privacy Policies of any of those third-party websites, and those third-party websites may have different privacy policies than this Site. Whenever applicable, each Member, visitor or User should seek to read the Privacy Policy of any third-party website provider that has an advertising banner, advertises or has a link or form on the Site.

By your acts of signing up as a subscriber to the Site, you are agreeing to all of the following: (1) that Site has your permission to collect your email address and all personal information you supply relating to that email address; (2) that Site has your permission to disclose and transfer your email address and all other personal information you supply to its parent companies, affiliated and related companies, affiliates, agents and service providers to promote and/or provide goods and services. (3) that Site has your permission to share your email address and all other personal information you supply with its third party marketing partners so they may send you offers and promotions which you may find of interest, either by email, direct mail, or SMS.


The Site also offers all Members and Users a procedure for 'Opting-Out' if the Member or User subsequently chooses to revoke or withdraw any consent to receive Offers by sending an e-mail from the email address you wish to opt out to "" clearly stating the email address in the body of the email and that the Member or User has revoked or withdrawn consent to receive any future Offers from Site to such email address.


Find-Your-Slut will not disclose or use any of your personally identifiable information except to the extent set forth in this Privacy Policy, or if acquired to the acquiring entity and its related companies or under special circumstances, such as when we believe in good faith that the law requires it, or when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to enforce any of our rights and terms and conditions or to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating the Find-Your-Slut Terms and Conditions or to comply with applicable law or valid subpoenas or document productions in litigation.


This Site reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to revise, amend, modify or revoke this Privacy Policy at any time and in any manner to the fullest extent permitted by law. Changes to this Policy will be effective by posting revisions on the Site or other notice as required by applicable law.

Find-Your-Slut App Terms of Service

Welcome to Find-Your-Slut, an entertainment and social networking site operated by Ulria Limited ("Find-Your-Slut"). By using the Find-Your-Slut Website (the "Website") you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use (this "Agreement"), whether or not you register as a member ("Member"). If you wish to become a Member and make use of the Find-Your-Slut service (the "Service"), you will need to submit a registration form.

This Agreement sets out the legally binding terms of your use of the Website and your membership in the Service and may be modified by Find-Your-Slut from time to time, such modifications to be effective upon posting by Find-Your-Slut on the Website. You may also receive a copy of this Agreement by emailing us at:, Subject: Terms of Use Agreement.

1. Eligibility. You must be eighteen or over to register as a member of Find-Your-Slut or use the Website. Membership in the Service is void where prohibited. By using the Website, you represent and warrant that you have the right, authority, and capacity to enter into this Agreement and to abide by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You acknowledge and understand that you access the Website and Service freely, voluntarily, and willingly, and for your own personal enjoyment.

2. Term. This Agreement will remain in full force and effect while you use the Website and/or are a Member. You may terminate your membership at any time, for any reason by following the instructions on the Resign pages in Account Settings, or upon receipt by Find-Your-Slut of your written or email notice of termination. Find-Your-Slut may terminate your membership for any reason, effective upon sending notice to you at the email address you provide in your application for membership, or such other email address as you may later provide to Find-Your-Slut. Even after membership is terminated, this Agreement will remain in effect. Even after this Agreement is terminated, certain provisions will remain in effect, including sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, and 9-16 of this Agreement.

3. Non Commercial Use by Members. The Website is for the personal use of individual Members only and may not be used in connection with any commercial endeavors. Organizations, companies, and/or businesses may not become Members and should not use the Service or the Website for any purpose. You are prohibited from accessing or using the Website for illegal or commercial purposes, including but not limited to, collecting usernames, profile data, and/or email addresses of members by electronic or other means for the purpose of marketing or sending unsolicited commercial email or electronic messages. Unauthorized framing of or linking to the Website is prohibited.

4. Proprietary Rights in Content on Find-Your-Slut. Find-Your-Slut owns and retains all proprietary rights in the Website and the Service. The Website contains the copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information of Find-Your-Slut, and its licensors. Except for that information which is in the public domain or for which you have been given written permission, you may not copy, modify, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, display, or sell any such proprietary information.

5. Content Posted on the Site. Without waiver of any of the immunities provided to us as an interactive services provider under the CDA please take note that we prohibit anyone from promoting illegal activities (such as prostitution) or commercial activities of any kind in their profile or in messages sent on the site or arising out of information obtained from the Website or Services and if such conduct comes to our attention we reserve the right to, amongst other things, remove you from the site and ban you permanently and seek additional remedies. Furthermore you agree that:

You understand and agree that Find-Your-Slut may review and delete any content, messages, Find-Your-Slut Messenger messages, posts, photos, videos, or profiles (collectively, "Content") that in the sole judgment of Find-Your-Slut violate this Agreement or which might be offensive, illegal, or that might violate the rights, harm, or threaten the safety of Members. You are solely responsible for the Content that you publish or display (hereinafter, "post") on the Service, or transmit to other Members. By posting Content to any public area of Find-Your-Slut, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to Find-Your-Slut an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, and distribute such information and content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such information and content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing. Specifically you agree and acknowledge that your profile and related information and content may be utilized and displayed on other sites which are owned by related companies or authorized services providers ("Network websites"). You also agree that Find-Your-Slut and related companies and authorized services providers may contact you through information manifested through the Website and Services via email, SMS, or otherwise to communicate with you regarding the Website and Service or to advertise to you goods and services or to send and receive communications from other Service members and Website users . You are fully responsible for all costs associated with the above communications such as for example the costs of SMS text messages.

Your profile and its related information and content may be searchable by,members registered to other Network websites. Conversely you may be able to search for member profiles which are registered to other Network websites. This feature may allow you to interact with additional members of Network websites. The following is a partial list of the kind of Content that is illegal or prohibited on the Website. Find-Your-Slut reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action in its sole discretion against anyone who violates this provision, including without limitation, removing the offending communication from the Service and terminating the membership of such violators. It includes Content that: is patently offensive to the online community, such as Content that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual; harasses or advocates harassment of another person or contains content that violates the privacy or rights of others including for example the unauthorized use of likeness; involves the transmission of "junk mail", "chain letters," or unsolicited mass mailing or "spamming"; promotes information that you know is false, misleading or promotes illegal activities or conduct that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory or libelous; promotes an illegal or unauthorized copy of another person's copyrighted work, such as providing pirated computer programs or links to them, providing information to circumvent manufacture-installed copy-protect devices, or providing pirated music or links to pirated music files; contains restricted or password only access pages, or hidden pages or images (those not linked to or from another accessible page); provides material that manifests any person under the age of 18 or exploits people under the age of 18 in a sexual or violent manner, or solicits personal information from anyone under 18; contains obscenity; provides instructional information about illegal activities such as making or buying illegal weapons, violating someone's privacy, or providing or creating computer viruses; offering money or other consideration in exchange for sex; solicits passwords or personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other users; and engages in commercial activities and/or sales such as contests, sweepstakes, barter, advertising, and pyramid schemes. You must use the Service in a manner consistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations. You may not include in your Member profile any telephone numbers, street addresses, last names, URLs or email addresses. You may not engage in advertising to, or solicitation of, other Members to buy or sell any products or services through the Service. You may not transmit any chain letters or junk email to other Members. Although Find-Your-Slut cannot monitor the conduct of its Members off the Website, it is also a violation of these rules to use any information obtained from the Service in order to harass, abuse, or harm another person, or in order to contact, advertise to, solicit, or sell to any Member without their prior explicit consent. In order to protect our Members from such advertising or solicitation, Find-Your-Slut reserves the right to restrict the number of emails or electronic messages which a Member may send to other Members in any 24-hour period to a number which Find-Your-Slut deems appropriate in its sole discretion.

6. Copyright Policy/DMCA. You may not post, distribute, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights. Without limiting the foregoing, if you believe that your work has been copied and posted on the Service in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, where applicable please provide our DMCA Copyright Agent with the following information as more specifically provided below in our DMCA policy. Counter notifications where applicable under the DMCA can be provided to the DMCA authorized agent indicated below.

DMCA Policy

Find-Your-Slut respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users and members to do the same. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Find-Your-Slut will respond expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement committed using the Find-Your-Slut Service or Website that are reported to the Find-Your-Slut Designated Copyright Agent identified in the sample notice below.

If you are a copyright owner, authorized to act on behalf of one or authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright, please report alleged copyright infringements taking place on or through the Find-Your-Slut Service or Website by completing the following DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement and delivering it to the Find-Your-Slut Designated Copyright Agent. Upon receipt of Notice as described below Find-Your-Slut will take action pursuant to the DMCA, including where appropriate removal of the challenged use content from the Website or Services and/or termination of the Find-Your-Slut user's account.

DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement ("Notice")

Identify the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed, or - if multiple copyrighted works are covered by this Notice - you may provide a representative list of the copyrighted works that you claim have been infringed.

Identify the material or link you claim is infringing (or the subject of infringing activity) and that access to which is to be disabled, including at a minimum, if applicable, the URL of the link shown on the relevant website where such material may be found.

Provide your mailing address, telephone number, and, if available, email address. Include both of the following statements in the body of the Notice:

"I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use)."

"I hereby state that the information in this Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that is allegedly infringed." Provide your full legal name and your electronic or physical signature.

Deliver this Notice, with all items completed, to Find-Your-Slut Designated Copyright Agent: Copyright Agent Ulria Limited Souliou 004V Stovolos 2018

Nicosia, Cyprus

7. Subscription. For your convenience, the costs and duration of your membership are supplied to you on our registration page on signup. You are responsible for all costs associated with your use of your selected payment method including, for example, exchange rates, transaction fees, interest, and other fees charged by your credit/debit card companies and banks. During the signup process you will be asked to indicate your preference for membership duration and costs amongst other things and your selections and click through agreement to the same and these Terms of Use will be recorded. Find-Your-Slut reserves the right to offer free membership to any person(s) of their choice at any given time, for any duration, while charging other members, at the same time. Find-Your-Slut also reserves the right to cancel the FREE trial period or membership at any time, for all or any of its members.

The current pricing of the various memberships is shown on the registration page. The pricing may change from time to time via notice to you and is effective on your click through agreement. In order to cancel a Free Trial or any membership, go to the Members Help Center page located in You may also cancel by phone or by email to

Credit card users may be subject to a preauthorization. The preauthorization is not a charge to the credit card. However, the then applicable monthly subscription rate may be reserved against the Member's available credit card limit. The Website will not be held responsible for bank charges, fees or penalties due to overdrawn or delinquent Member accounts. Contact your credit card issuing financial institution for details.

8. Member Disputes. You are solely responsible for your interactions with other Find-Your-Slut Members, Website users, and third party advertisers. Find-Your-Slut, Inc. reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor disputes between you and other Members.

9. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability Regarding Interactions Between Members. You are solely responsible for your interactions with other Members. You understand that Find-Your-Slut does not in any way monitor the activity of its Members either offline or online. Nor does Find-Your-Slut screen or interview its Members, nor does Find-Your-Slut inquire into the backgrounds of its Members or attempt to verify the accuracy or statements made by Members. Find-Your-Slut makes no representations or warranties as to the conduct of Members or those acting on their behalf. You agree to take reasonable precautions in all communications, meetings or interactions with other Members of the Service, particularly if you decide to meet offline or in person. You should not divulge personal or financial information to strangers.

In the event that you have a dispute with one or more members or those who have posted, viewed and/or used information on the Find-Your-Slut site, you release Find-Your-Slut , including its officers, directors, agents, and employees, from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes. If you are a California resident, you waive California Civil Code Section 1542, which says: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor."

In no event shall Find-Your-Slut be liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, general, special, compensatory, punitive, consequential, and/or incidental, arising out of or relating to your conduct or anyone else's conduct in connection with the use of the Service, including without limitation, bodily injury, emotional distress, loss of reputation and/or any other damages resulting from communications or meetings with other Members or persons you meet or come into contact with through this Website or Service or from information provided using the Website or Service.

10. Service - Find-Your-Slut does not guarantee, at any time, either their paid or free membership holders, that the website will be fully operational all the time. Members may face periodic service interruptions or lost data. Please note that the Website and Services are an entertainment service. All profiles are provided for the entertainment of our members and our users. You are not guaranteed that you will find a date or that you will meet any of our members in person or that any given person or profile manifested on the Website or Services is available or interested in dating or communicating with you or anyone else. You also understand and acknowledge that some users and members may provide inaccurate information, messages, and profile data and you agree that Find-Your-Slut shall not be liable to you in any manner for the same. You understand, acknowledge, and agree that some of the user profiles posted on this site may be fictitious or models or bots related to our "Love Stars" ( ) program. Our LS work for the site in an effort to stimulate dialogue with users and to stimulate user participation on the Website and Services, advertisement of the Website and Services, and the creation of user profiles. The LS also monitor user activities and communications to ensure compliance with our Terms and Conditions. You understand, acknowledge, and agree that the information, text, and pictures contained in the LS profiles do not pertain to any actual person or member, but are included for entertainment purposes only.

You further understand, acknowledge, and agree that, from time-to-time, LS may contact Website and Services users and members via electronic messaging, including for example, email, instant messages, and SMS, for purposes of encouraging further or broader participation in our site's Services and/or to monitor user activity. Messages from LS will contain the uniform designation "LS" or "Love Stars" to notify the user or member that a message has been received from Love Star(s). In the event the user or member responds to a LS message the user or member may receive one or more additional personal or form responses from the LS. You understand, acknowledge, and agree that no physical meeting will ever take place between you and LS, and that the exchange of messages between you and a LS is for entertainment purposes, as well as to encourage further or broader participation in our site's Services and/or to monitor user activities. Notwithstanding the above, the user is not guaranteed a response to any message sent to a LS (or another user). You understand and agree that no communications between you and a LS is private.

11. Disclaimers. Find-Your-Slut is not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate Content posted on the Website or in connection with the Service, whether caused by users of the Website, Members or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Service. Find-Your-Slut is not responsible for the conduct, whether online or offline, of any user of the Website or Member of the Service. Find-Your-Slut assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, user or Member communications. Find-Your-Slut is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of email or players on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Website or combination thereof, including injury or damage to users and/or Members or to any other person's computer related to or resulting from participating or downloading materials in connection with the Web and/or in connection with the Service. Under no circumstances will Find-Your-Slut be responsible for any loss or damage, including personal injury or death, resulting from anyone's use of the Website or the Service, any Content posted on the Website or transmitted to Members, or any interactions between users of the Website, whether online or offline. The Website and the Service are provided "AS-IS" and Find-Your-Slut expressly disclaims any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. Find-Your-Slut cannot guarantee and does not promise any specific results from use of the Website and/or the Service.

12. Limitation on Liability. Except in jurisdictions where such provisions are restricted, in no event will Find-Your-Slut be liable to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, including also lost profits arising from your use of the Web site or the Service, even if Find-Your-Slut has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Find-Your-Slut's liability to you for any cause or action or claim whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be limited in aggregate the amount paid, if any, by you to Find-Your-Slut for the Service during the term of membership.

13. Cancellation and Refund. Subscribers may cancel the service at any time by contacting our customer service agents. Those who are dissatisfied with the service may request a refund of the last month's charge. In the event that a refund is issued, ALL refunds will be made by crediting the credit card that was used to make the original purchase Subscribers who are dissatisfied with the service may request a refund of the last month's charge by contacting our customer service agents. In the event that a refund is issued, ALL refunds will be made by crediting the credit card that was used to make the original purchase.

14. Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of Cyprus without reference to its conflict of laws rules. Any and all disputes or controversies of any kind, including but not limited to any performance, duty, obligation or liability arising out of or related to this Agreement, which are unable to be resolved informally, shall be resolved by binding arbitration in Cyprus, in English, according the applicable rules of arbitration in Cyprus. The final award in any such arbitration proceeding shall be subject to entry as a judgment by any court of competent jurisdiction, provided that such judgment does not conflict with the terms and provisions hereof.

15. Indemnity. You agree to indemnify and hold Find-Your-Slut, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, service providers, and other partners and employees, harmless from any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including reasonable attorney's fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of the Service in violation of this Agreement and/or arising from a breach of this Agreement and/or any breach of your representations and warranties set forth above.

16. Other. This Agreement, accepted upon use of the Website and further affirmed by becoming a Member of the Service, contains the entire agreement between you and Find-Your-Slut regarding the use of the Website and/or the Service. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

Please contact us with any questions regarding this agreement.